Monday, June 11, 2012

Maple Almond Cookies

I've been all about the savory recipes on MassBytes lately, huh?  You might not think it from what I post, but I pretty much want to eat cookies all the time.  So here are some cookies I brought in to work last month to try and cheer people up when we were all stressed out and in bad moods. I'm not sure it worked; one guy was so busy with his various worries that he wasn't interested in food, and another turns out to be allergic to almonds... but at least most of the rest of the gang seemed to enjoy them.

The maple flavour isn't overwhelming, and the almonds are delicate - these buttery little friends whisper, rather than shout.  And oh yes, they are buttery.  A stick and a half goes into this recipe.  But what is the point of diet cookies?  If you're trying not to eat things that might make you gain weight, why are you eating cookies in the first place, is my theory.  If you're going to eat a cookie, eat a cookie, know what I'm saying?

So do you know anyone who needs a little cheering up?  Do you, perhaps, need a little cheering up?  Throw down some of these Maple Almond Cookies and see if they help.

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