Monday, August 27, 2012

Chocolate Ice Cream with Rum and Walnuts

That's right!  Ice cream!  Ice cream with booze!  What could be better?

I made this back when it was super hot and ice cream was required for life, but it's still pretty warm out and ice cream, while not a necessity, is still extremely nice to have!

I haven't posted an ice cream recipe before.  There is one thing about ice cream recipes that would give me pause about saying to a general (i.e., non-food-blogger) audience, and that's that it requires specialized equipment, to wit: an ice cream maker. Myself, I have an ice cream maker attachment for my stand mixer; but even that is a bit of a luxury, so if you don't have one, I apologize for throwing this in your face.  If you do have one, though, please by all means make this Chocolate Ice Cream with Rum and Walnuts - it is delicious and creamy (and softer, because of the booze - which makes it freeze less hard), and yes you could make it without the rum, but why?  I mean, I suppose if you're not allowed to have liquor, or if you're making it for an all-ages audience... but that just leaves it as a regular, pretty good chocolate ice cream (although if you're omitting the rum, I'd say up something else that can add that special something that you get with the rum flavours - maybe more vanilla?  Rum has vanilla notes).  So with the spicy little tang from the rum, and the crunch from the walnuts, this is better than the average plain chocolate ice cream!

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