Monday, June 3, 2013

Maki Soup: texture

Ok, first off, let me reassure you: the "maki" in question here isn't the sushi kind. Sushi soup... that sounds horrifying.  So no. This is not that.

Instead, rather than being from Japan, this Maki Soup is from the Philippines, where it is comfort food that your mom makes you when you're not feeling so great.  As such, I have no problem posting a thick (more on that in a minute) soup when, at the moment I'm writing this, it is 87 degrees out.  After all, you can come down with a cold any time of the year, or just feel lousy and need your mom to make you a bowl of soup... and anyway this is from the Philippines. That is a tropical nation.  At least here in Boston it's just regular, plain hot today - there, you can count on not just heat, but also humidity that is often described as "oppressive."  And these folks are toughing it out and eating soup anyway... so stop complaining.

Now let's talk about the texture situation. This is a thick soup! You thicken it by adding corn starch mixed with water, and that combined with the egg you swirl in (kind of like egg drop soup; the egg cooks instantly in the hot liquid and gives you shreds of egg throughout) gives it this outlandishly velvety mouthfeel.

I just used the word "mouthfeel" and I don't know if I like who that makes me as a person.

Anyway, it's thick when you first make it, but when you put it in the fridge as leftovers, it turns honestly gelatinous, so I would say you should only make as much as you're going to serve at one time - the leftovers situation is not great.  Or save the leftover pork and chuck the soup, maybe.

Anyway, it's certainly comforting with its big hearty pork chunks and smoothness, so you should definitely give this Maki Soup a try... but I would understand if you waited until the weather cooled off a bit.

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