Friday, December 21, 2012

Bag Lunch: Flavored Lip Balm by Sarah Sparks

If you really know me, you know I dislike the holiday season. I only tolerate it because food and lots of drinks are involved. When I read the Facebook invite for the annual TT The Bears Rockin' Holiday Flea Market & Bloody Mary Bash, I was immediately interested. Anyone trying to sell the idea of a flea market with cocktails is a-okay in my book.

The words 'Flea Market' makes me think of Church Bazaars I used to go to as a kid. The ones where things like doll heads with dusty doily dresses and plastic soda bottle bodies, or stale cookies and punch were sold; however it was not at all what I had imagined. This was going to be a hip local affair with vintage clothes, homemade jewelry, comic book clothing accessories, art prints, vinyl records, and more. With all the cool stuff being sold at this event, I had my eyes set on one booth - Bag Lunch, flavored lip balm.  The Dill Pickle flavored lip balm especially.

How could a food lover not be interested in trying some locally made food flavored lip balm??? 

When I arrived at TTs, the place was packed with people browsing vendor tables and drinking the infamous Monster Bloody Mary's. It took a few minutes to locate my destination, but as soon as I arrived I was overwhelmed with choices. I wanted to buy one of each, sit on the curb outside, and test them all. I scanned the containers looking for pickle, pickle, pickle. No luck or maybe I overlooked it because I was so excited. I quickly grabbed four flavors trying to not second guess myself - Chocolate Covered Cherry, Caramel Sundae, Juicy Pear, and Pistachio Ice Cream. I paid and ran to the bar. Not only did I want to start trying each flavor, I wanted a Bloody Mary bad.

I ordered from the bartender and saw a sign stating the Bloody Mary's were made with Ketel One. Sweet. As I was waiting, I opened the Juicy Pear and applied it to my lips. It reminded me of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. My favorite brand! My mom used to stuff my stocking with them every year when I was a child.

My drink arrived with one large celery stick (no blue cheese stuffed olives, must of came too late). I took a large sip and was not disappointed. The bartender was generous with the Ketel One. I ordered a second one and went back to testing my new lip balms. Next was the Caramel Sundae. This one reminded me of Werther's Originals. Although I thought the caramel was a fun flavor, the pear was still on the top. I felt the same about the Chocolate Covered Cherries.  It was fun, but...

Then I got to the final one - Pistachio Ice Cream - and fell in love.

It has been almost two weeks since the bazaar, and I still carry the pistachio one with me. Something about that sweet pistachio smell gets to me with each use. Curious about ordering more, I went to the Bag Lunch etsy page, found Pistachio Ice Cream, and saw the Dill Pickle flavor was available as well as some mouth watering flavors like Meatball Sandwich, Buttery French Toast, Pancake and Syrup, and CRISPY BACON (!!!!!!).

Check it out and support local: Bag Lunch Store
TT the Bears:

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