Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gluten-Free: Domino's Pizza (Really?!? Maybe.) by Sahra Kant

I know it's not Thursday.  However, it is the 12th of May, so I can finally release confidential corporate information I've been sitting on for eight days.  And eight long nights, just like Chanukah.  It does feel a little like the holidays because....

As of today, Domino's is offering gluten-free pizza in all their US stores.

The first mainstream pizza chain!

Before we all get a little too excited -- although admittedly I've been over-excited about this for over a week -- there may be a catch that will disappoint those of us like myself, my mother and my daughter who are gluten-free out of medical necessity.  Those of you who are gluten-free by choice should be dialing a number, going to a website or pulling up an app right now.  What are you waiting for?

Domino's has been offering gluten free pizza in Australia and New Zealand since 2009.  However, despite past endorsement by Coeliac Australia (which seems to have since been removed from their site) and far stricter advertising & labeling rules than exist in America making it illegal to call something gluten-free if there are any traces of gluten...

The small print says "your meal may contain traces of gluten."  Domino's seems to have done nothing to avoid cross-contimination in their kitchens, ovens or with handling procedures.  Even more worryingly, the pizza toppings may not be gluten-free.  This is regardless of there being twelve allegedly safe pizza varieties, two sauces & over twenty individual toppings listed on their gluten-free cheat sheet as of January 2012.

This is-it-or-isn't-it has caused quite the scandal in Oceania.

Always read the small print.

I'm writing this blog post over a week in advance, far prior to when any information will be released to the public.  The manager of a New England-based Domino's store from whom I got this tip (thanks, if you're reading this) could not answer my questions about cross-contamination or topping issues.  Perhaps it'll be a different situation in America, but I have my doubts.  In this country there are still no rules & regulations from the FDA requiring any rules or regulations be followed regarding allowable amounts of gluten in foods labeled "gluten-free" & major differences among voluntary gluten-free labeling organizations.  This may well be an even bigger marketing gimmick than it is in Australia & New Zealand, severely putting the health of celiacs at risk.

A "gluten-friendly" pizza isn't good enough for me, my family, or countless others who are on a strict gluten-free diet.

[EDIT, 5/11 @ 7:34pm]: I just got news that my source was wrong about the day of release, taking away my big scoop. :( Domino's released this information four days ago! However, I was right -- read the Domino's FAQ.

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely appalled! They did this in Australia in 2009 and virtually nothing is done to avoid cross contamination. The Coeliac Society of Australia endorsed them at the beginning by mistake and then made a correction to say that they only endorse the gluten free pizza bases at Domino's Pizza. Same topping trays are used and everything. Disgusting, and dangerous:
