Monday, February 6, 2012

Meatless Monday Kickoff

Having a food intolerance is not fun. My body is definitely sensitive to some things. To finally figure it out, I am going to do an elimination diet. An elimination diet is when you cut out foods and then reintroduce them one at a time to see if they give you a reaction.

My supply for Meatless Monday
I was diagnosed with eczema and psoriasis by different doctors. I know it was the foods I was eating, especially at my old workplace. Every shift, the staff was provided a buffet. This buffet was put out twice a day, lunch and dinner. There was always two different meats, starch, veggies, and whatever else the in-house restaurant needed to get rid of. This did NOT do justice on my weight either. When I left this job, the eczema/psoriasis disappeared with about twenty-five lbs. I get minor flare ups now and then.

I recently figured out that the tap water I drink at home (not filtered) effects me big time. I feel it worse on my hands. I am not spoiled because I drink bottled water. I just know that when I drink tap, I pay the price. Sucks. I really need to invest in a filtering system.

The Superbowl came, and of course, the house was stocked with goodies like salsa, bread and cheese spread, burger and hotdog supplies (never did make those wings for the big day). As soon as I tried a sample of some of the goodies, my nose became stuffy. After a few drinks, I ignored the early warnings signs and pigged out. At some point, my hands became red, cracked and raw, like bad wind-burn. So...

I have been thinking about doing the Meatless Monday challenge, and today is probably the best day to start. My hands effing hurt! I need to solve this mystery. As of now, I will be doing a vegan diet once a week; no meats, dairy or eggs, and I will report about it.

If you are interested in doing this with me, here is the link. :) Happy Monday!

Much love,

Sarah Sparks

(P.S. - If you do the Meatless Mondays as well, I would love to read your stories)


  1. So, how did the elimination diet go? Any symptom improvement?
    I like Meatless Mondays, in fact I go meatless on most days and used to a vegetarian.

    1. I am horrible...I lasted one day. I need to get back to eating less meat.
