Last Saturday, I embarked on a magical journey, to a magical place, full of magical things. The annual Spring Beer Festival in Breckenridge, Colorado had my name written all over it. Featuring over 25 local and national breweries each presenting a minimum of 2 beers to try; it was out of this world.
Between my boyfriend and I, we were only able to tackle 16 different beers. Sad, I know. But it was cold, and it looked like the sky was going to break open at any moment and let the snow take over the day. I used a very handy app called Untappd to keep track of all beers I tasted.
Of the 8 beers I imbibed, most I had tried prior to last Saturday. Not because I’m adverse to trying new beers (quite the contrary, actually). Being a smaller festival, the breweries in attendance were on the larger side and mostly well known.
The first beer I tried ended up being my favorite of the day. Brewed by a local brewery here in Colorado, Estes Park Brewery has a uber tasty Renegade IPA. It took home a gold medal in 1993 at the Great American Beer Festival and a silver medal at the 2003 World Beer Championship. It’s incredibly hoppy, however there’s a nice maltiness that balances it out.
Coming in a close second for favorite beer of the day was Odell Brewing Company’s flagship beer, the 90 Shilling Ale. This English style ale is a new take on a traditional Scottish ale. It’s mildly sweet with caramel flavorings. Interestingly, 90 Shilling gets its name from how beer was taxed in Scotland: only the strongest, and highest quality, beers were taxed 90 shillings.
Overall, it was an incredibly fun day (really, how can it not be when beer is flowing freely). Everyone was happy, there was a ton of tasty beer friendly food, and every type of beer you could think of.
Which beer festivals have you been to? Leave a comment or tweet @LA786 and let me know.
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