Monday, December 10, 2012

Turkey and Bacon Meatballs, aka MassBytes kryptonite

How do I know this recipe will be a hit with you guys, my MassByting friends?  Because a) it's balls, and b) it's got bacon.  If I know you, you might have a tough time turning down something that hits the bullseye like that.

It's Turkey and Bacon Meatballs, which means they are made out of ground turkey (duh) and ground bacon.  GROUND BACON YOU GUYS.  Now I don't know about you, but that isn't something that ever crossed my mind as a foodstuff... but it's real, and, much like that woman's boobs on Seinfeld, it's spectacular.  And it's easy! All you need is a food processor (and some bacon, obviously).

Then all you need to do is mix together the ground bacon and all the other ingredients and make them into balls, and bake them.  Then simmer them in some sauce for extra excellence.  Easy - and versatile too, since you can eat them by themselves, in a meatball sub, on pasta... whatever floats your boat.

By the way, I wanted to be sure to call them "Turkey AND Bacon Meatballs," rather than "Turkey-Bacon Meatballs," because I didn't want people to confuse them for meatballs made out of turkey bacon.  Turkey bacon is a travesty.

Is your interest piqued?  Is your mouth watering?  Go forth and make them for yourself!

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