Thursday, June 7, 2012

Gluten-Free: French Meadow Fudge Brownies

French Meadow Bakery donates a variety of foods to Pierce's Pantry -- including muffins, rolls and brownies.

The box, waiting for me.
Today it's all about the brownies.  Gluten-free fudge brownies, to be exact.  A think, chunky bottom layer of chocolate brownie with a generous top layer of pure chocolate fudge.  With a seal of approval from the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO)!

Everyone in my home loves these things.  My daughter takes huge bites, my partner is visibly disappointed when I point out that he can just get a ninety-nine cent brownie at a convenience store & eat it when Liberty & I aren't around, and I hide the brownies from both of them in the back of the freezer behind the frozen breastmilk.  (Well, not anymore given one of the two reads this.  See what I do to illustrate a point for you, Mass Bytes readers?)

They're delicious frozen, chilled or warmed.  Marvelous in ice cream, at the bottom of an ice cream sundae... oh so good!  Rich, super moist, dense and chewy and with a fabulous texture.  Seriously better than most glutenous brownies on the market.  Somehow these are lactose-free, peanut-free, and casein-free as well.

Allegedly easy not to eat all at once.
Perhaps because they're also all-natural and organic; French Meadow Bakery only makes (highly innovative) organic baked goods and avoids using genetically modified ingredients (GMOs).  In fact, they're the longest continuously running certified organic bakery in the US!  Or maybe it's the southern Georgia charm?  Either way, it's a good thing these wonderfully moreish gluten-free brownies are individually wrapped or there would be trouble in my house.

The Acton food pantry has had handfuls of these brownies for a while -- and now they have display cases full of them!  This is exciting, as I currently have cravings for these specific brownies if I haven't had them for a few days.  And since I haven't had one since the beginning of the week and I've spent all this time on this post, it is now time for a surreptitious gluten free brownie.  Don't tell anyone.

This is a good idea.
Get a $1 coupon for any of French Meadow's products (including a nine box of these) from their website and then go buy them in the freezer section at your local Whole Foods, Harvest, natural foods grocer or request that they carry them.  You're welcome.

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