Victor Foresta, the lead singer of The Force and Neurological Damage, and his amazing wife, Christina, invited a few of us from the scene over for a home cooked meal.
Getting Ready to Eat! |
I do and then, I remembered why I started MassBytes.
Local entertainment builds a community like no other. The support system is simply incredible. There's the drummer who lets other bands borrow their drum kit on show nights. There's the neighbor who acts as the designated driver. There's the friend who goes to all the shows. There's the artist who creates pieces influenced by what is around them. There's the filmmaker documenting the scene.
Support. Respect. Passion.
Now throw in food. It takes an already perfect combination to a whole new level.
Victor Foresta, the lead singer of The Force and Neurological Damage, and his amazing wife, Christina, invited a few of us from the scene over for a home cooked meal. They made the most fantastic dinner of raviolis, meatballs, red sauce, garlic bread, and chocolate covered strawberries. ALL FROM SCRATCH! Oh, sweet life.
After we stuffed our faces with goodness and our bellies were full, we relaxed in the living room while watching a shark documentary.
This night will go down as one of my favorites, because for a moment, I was not Sarah Sparks, but just a friend enjoying a wonderful meal with some wonderful people having a wonderful time.
Garlic Bread is about DONE! |
Vic plates the meals. |
May I have seconds? Please? |
Chocolate Covered Strawberries. YUM! |
So, the moral of this story is get off your ass, and go support a scene that makes you happy. Volunteer your time. Because, you never know the friendships you may miss out on if you just sit in front of your television watching American Idol.
Occupy A Local Venue, Get Off Your Ass & Go To A Show |
I think this is my favorite article that I've seen on the site so far. Love ya, Sarah!