Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bottle and Cans, Just Clap Your Hands

I used to think that beer in a can was for amateurs. I’m all set with drinking yellow, wheaty water, ok? I gave that up when I turned 21 and could go buy my own booze and I decided no more cans for me. That is until I realized how many craft brewers have forgone the traditional glass bottles for lighter, more compact aluminum cans. And really what’s not to love about cans over bottles?

For one, should you be ambitious enough to attempt, crushing a can on your head is a hell of a lot easier than attempting the same stunt with a glass bottle (and, I’m assuming less bloody). Two, cans don’t smash into a million little pieces when you party foul and drop your beer (sure, it just slipped out of your hands, you’re not drunk at all). And three, a trash bag full of cans makes for a much lighter load to the recycling center than one full of glass bottles.

One of my favorite canned craft beers, Ska Brewing Company’s Modus Hoperandi, comes from Durango, Colorado, and is an India Pale Ale (or IPA). It pours a dark, caramel-y color, with a bit of foam, and slight lacing on the glass. It’s bitter as it hits your tongue, but the bitterness quickly dissipates and you get a hint of citrus and pine flavor before it finishes off with a light caramel taste.

Modus Hoperandi is best paired with strong and spicy foods, like Thai and Indian dishes. However, it also works well with grilled and smoked meats. If you’re looking for a beer to pair with a cheese cake, creme brulee, or other sweet dessert, this IPA also works well. 

If you try this tasty brew, leave a comment or tweet @LA786. Cheers! -LA

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