Monday, April 14, 2014

Giving Up Facebook For (most of) April: Day Nine and Ten: APP

Day Nine: 


Day Ten:

One of my roommates suggested taking the Facebook app off of my phone. I did. It needed to happen if I wanted to try to think of something relevant to write. Right?

Here I am now writing about how I do not have my FB app anymore. I am strictly using only instagram on my phone. I only run through FB at home in the morning and end of the night mostly for just MassBytes.

Do you want to understand how fucking hard this is for me?

Normally I have my face in facebook all of the time. On the bus or train. Waiting for the bus or train. Walking to the bus or train. Waiting for my shift to start. Waiting for my shift to end. Sitting on my porch.

The stupid app had me controlled in every fucking scenario I was in.

I was hanging out with a friend today after a set, and I counted how many times I wanted to look at my phone to see what was going on around town. I felt like I was missing something. Ok, I didn't really count, but it was at least ten times I went for my phone, looked at the clock, and realized I don't have anything to look at.

I am just living in that moment. Yup.

Nope. Then I had a freaking panic attack and ran somewhere else. This real world stuff freaks me out.

After, I ran to about four different areas shooting pictures. I burnt myself out. I caught my bus. And I recapped the day in my head.

I woke up at 1pm. Went to Dorchester to see DOT RATS. Went to Central Square. Had a burger, and a red bull at MidEast. Flew in and out of MidEast up, down, corner. Caught a bus. Walked home. Said hello to my roommate. Turned my computer on, rushed to facebook after midnight.


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