Monday, January 7, 2013

Caramel Pecan Crisps: food gifts

As you may be aware, Christmas just happened.  We're trying to save money this year, since our financal belt has been tightened a bit, so I decided that my present for my mom (and therefore everyone in our house) was going to be a box of baked goods.  Expect a few sweet posts from me!

This first entry into the box of happiness was Caramel Pecan Crisps.  These are essentially graham crackers with pecans adhered to them via homemade caramel, then spread with melted chocolate.  Super easy, plus you get to brag that you made caramel (which some people think is this big involved process involving candy thermometers, so don't tell them).

Do you give food as a gift?  What's your go-to gift food (baked goods? pickles [or pickled things]? jams?) - mine is usually baked goods, but I gave someone a jar of homemade vegetable stock once...

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