Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Heart Nutritional Yeast (by Sarah Sparks)


After attempting to become a vegetarian/vegan many times for many years, I've finally tried nutritional yeast. This is my savior. Although I have not much experience with it, I did find that it has been helping curb my cheese cravings and kind of reminds me of bread crumbs. There is something magical about this deactivated yeast that makes me feel so good. I now have tried it on a few salads. Success. Sandwiches. Success. I have even tried it toasted in the oven to find that it tasted like chicken skin. I kid you not. Or maybe my taste buds are playing tricks on me, but I am rather excited to explore my options.

I went to the supermarket and started browsing the bulk bins for cheap food finds and saw nutritional yeast for $9.99 a pound. I grabbed about a $1.50's worth and went home to test this product out. I was immediately happy and mad. I was happy I finally found something that may help me stick to a meatless/cheeseless lifestyle. And mad that I did not try this a long time ago, especially after all the vegetarian books I have bought that told me to incorporate nutritional yeast into my diet. I wish I paid attention.
I have managed to lose a few pounds in the last day or two. Even though this is supposed to be a trial vegan run and it's still early in the game, I think this may be a long term thing. It's different this time around. It's easier.



As I mentioned above, it is a deactivated yeast. It is a single cell fungi available in a flake, powder or pill form and is a source of protein and vitamins, with most brands being fortified with vitamin B-12. It is free of dairy, gluten and sugar and is low in salt and fat. NY has a nutty, cheesy flavor making it popular for cheese substitutes. It is primarily made from strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on mixtures of cane and beet molasses.



Buy some and sprinkle on a simple house salad. See what you think. I dare you.

Love Sarah Sparks
(Read more from this blogger: HERE)

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